Sunday, July 21, 2013

Don't Even Ask: Responses to an 'All-About-Me' Interview

1. What do you know to be true, unquestionably beyond doubt, certain with every cell of your being, completely, passionately, righteously certain? -- Absolutely nothing.

2. What was the dumbest thing you used to believe? What changed your mind? -- I used to believe that sex was some sort of taboo, criminal thing. I reasoned that that is why it is done in secret. And I think puberty changed my mind. That and the internet.

3. What do you know the most about? -- I wonder if this is asking "what do you know more about than any other person?" or "of the things you know, which do you know the most about?"

4. Why do you do what you do? -- See determinism.

5. One word: breakthrough. What comes to mind? -- Frankly, what immediately comes to mind is how inconsequential and boring this question seems. But when I think of the word breakthrough I think of how I typically hear it accompanied with scientific. 

6. What has been one of your most memorable experiences in your career? -- If I can just replace career with education, as it's pretty much the extent of any career I've had so far, I think visiting OWS in Manhattan with my freshman SOC221 professor was the most memorable experience I've had so far.

7. What global policy, credo, practice, or law would you like to decree? -- Hm... probably something environmental. 40 lashings for improperly recycled plastics would be a good place to start. (I do it for teh lulz).

8. What experience tested your mettle but made you a better person? -- In a word, McNair.

9. Finish this sentence: "It's a good day when..." -- it's not a bad one. I find that defining everything that isn't absolutely terrible as okay helps to make it okay, and the likelihood of running into a bad day when you call most days good is lower than the alternative.

10. When was the last time you thought, "Yes! That person has got it going on!"? -- Probably a couple of days ago after watching an E. Warren video wherein she lambastes a couple of reporters who clearly didn't know who the hell they were talking to, or what the hell it was about. E. Warren's got it going on.

11. What question in your life has had the biggest impact on you? -- This one. This one being asked right now. Dat impact.

12. What are you positively addicted to? -- The World Wide Web.

13. What's the best advice you were ever given in terms of business? -- Spoken by a wise man I once knew: fb;gm.

14. What's the most common life advice that you give your friends? -- "Named must your fear be before banish it you can." (Also, lol @ "friends").

15. What the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word devotion? -- Religion.

16. What are you most interested in? I like rhetoric and philosophy. Like, a lot.

17. What are you incredibly grateful for? -- All the stuff everyone else already said added together +1.

18. What's your form of service to the world? -- There is a quote that says something along the lines of "your place in the world is where your passion meets one of its greatest needs." I tend to agree with this, but service is different than place, so I'm going to modify it: your service to the world is what you do in your place in the world where your passion meets one of its greatest needs. Unfortunately I haven't really figured out the "passion" and "greatest needs of the world" parts yet, so the best thing I can do for now is find my place. And a step toward service is kind of like service, right?

"Something inspirational" - Someone Important.