Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Voice

"Your 'voice' is your unique contribution that is made up of your passion, talent, values and the 'needs' of the world - what problems need to be addressed and solved?  What can you do that other people can't?" - Lynn Curry.

In response:
My passion is for problem solving. It's my reason for pursuing a terminal degree and the reason I keep going from day to day. 

My talent is for considering the many intricate and generally complicated and hidden variables in a situation. This ability fuels my passion for problem solving, and most often gets me into trouble - it seems people would rather believe things are either good or bad, black or white, than spend time facing reality for what it really is: a labyrinthine yet systematic array of facts. 

I value truth and coffee. Science brings me close to both, so it's my favorite. 

The world is full of people willing to believe whatever lie makes itself most evident and takes the least amount of convincing. The world needs to emancipate itself from the tendency to only consider the most superficial aspect of problems and enter the domain of critical thinking. I confidently believe that you can't ever hope to solve a problem without fully understanding it. Any attempt at a solution will create another problem until the entire situation is considered with all of the facets that feed into it.

What I can do that other people can't is exactly what my talent is: to look at the complexity of a situation and consider all of the aspects of the problem. My hope is that considering this, I will inspire a new approach to whatever field I end up in.

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